School Improvement Team
Michele McCormick
Purpose of post: To manage the school and facilitate the achievement of the school's aims and objectives in relation to the school's ethos and its educational provision.
Christine L’Estrange
Vice Principal Pastoral
Purpose of post: To carry out the professional duties of a teacher and assist the Principal in managing the school. As required, to deputise for the Principal in her absence.
Jonny McDaid
Vice Principal Curriculum
Purpose of post: To work closely with Subject Leaders to enhance learning and teaching across the school. To ensure that the Curriculum is broad and balanced. To lead on assessment and pupil achievement.
Maura Gribbin
School Improvement Leader
Purpose of post: In light of the DE consultation document, 'The Way Forward for Special Educational Needs and Inclusion', I am responsible for implementing the vision “that every learner fulfils his or her potential at each stage of development”
John Mulholland
School Improvement Leader
Purpose of post: In the current climate of school improvement the document, “Every School a Good School” lays out the foundation for the future in terms of departmental expectations on self evaluation and target setting. The use of data at whole school level has been established for target setting and it is hoped that the Raising Standards Leader will investigate and interrogate the use of data for whole school improvements and assess trends and identify priorities for action.